Prost Force

Prairie Naturals Prost-Force is an evidence based formulation that synergistically combines the key nutritional and phytochemical ingredients researchers recommend for prostate health.






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Get to Know This Product

Prost Force; Prostate Health Starts Here!

Most men probably never even think about their prostate gland until they have a feeling that something’s “not quite right” but the functioning of this small, donut-shaped muscular gland sure can make a big impact on a guy’s life. Just ask any man around the age of 50. That’s about the time of life when men start to get personally acquainted with the many unpleasant symptoms of prostate problems.

Prairie Naturals Prost-Force is an evidence based formulation that synergistically combines the key nutritional and phytochemical ingredients researchers recommend for prostate health.

Even younger men need to be pro-active to protect and improve the health of this important gland that, among other things impacts on sexual satisfaction. Don’t wait until you have symptoms of a prostate gland in distress. Protect your prostate now and prevent potentially serious problems later with Prairie Naturals Prost-Force.

Prost Force is ideal for:

• Men in the age category of 40 and beyond
• Men looking to start a preventative regime for their prostate health
• Men looking for a drug-free, proven effective, natural supplement for prostate and urinary tract support
• Men wanting restful sleep and fewer bathroom trips at night
• Men looking for erectile dysfunction support

Prost Force may help to:

• Promote healthy prostate function
• Reduce DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) without this negative side effect
• Improve urinary health and reduces frequency of urination
• Reduce the discomfort of prostate enlargement



Recommended Use or Purpose: (Saw Palmetto liposterolic extract is) Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve the urologic symptoms (e.g. weak urine ow, incomplete voiding, frequent daytime and night time urination) associated with mild to moderate benign prostatic hyperplasia (Lycopene) Provides antioxidants for the maintenance of good health (Vitamin B6 & Zinc) Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and fats (Vitamin B6) Helps in tissue formation, (Zinc) Helps in connective tissue formation, (Zinc) Helps to maintain healthy skin, (Zinc) Helps to maintain immune function.

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"After all medication attempts, prost force works best for enlarge prostrate, now I sleep well."

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