Fermented, Organic Maca

The peoples of the central Andes attribute their ability to work vigorously at high altitudes and their renowned strength and vitality to eating Maca. Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is an edible, parsnip-like tuber. Maca has often been touted as Peruvian ginseng, owing to the root’s traditional uses for fertility, libido, mental and physical energy, and conditions of menopause, among others. Adaptogens, like Chinese ginseng and Peruvian Maca, are hailed for their ability to reduce the effects stress hormones can have on the body. Prairie Naturals Organic Maca is fermented to increase bioavailability of the nutrient dense root.

Organically Certified







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Get to Know This Product

Fermented, Organic Maca is a Nutritional SuperFood Powerhouse!

The peoples of the central Andes attribute their ability to work vigorously at high altitudes and their renowned strength and vitality to eating Maca. Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is an edible, parsnip-like tuber. Maca has often been touted as Peruvian ginseng, owing to the root’s traditional uses for fertility, libido, mental and physical energy, and conditions of menopause, among others. Adaptogens, like Chinese ginseng and Peruvian Maca, are hailed for their ability to reduce the effects stress hormones can have on the body. Prairie Naturals Organic Maca is fermented to increase bioavailability of the nutrient dense root.

Maca – A Gift from the Gods

Highly-valued traditional food and medicine from South America:
• Used for well over 2,000 years by the natives of the Central Andes
• First cultivated in the Junín Plateau close to Cerro de Pasco

Maca’s cultivation is what makes it Unique!
• Grows naturally between 9,000 to 14,000 ft. above sea level
• The region of Junín Plateau & Pasco has:
• Rocky and volcanic soil
• A dry climate
• Little oxygen
• High levels of solar exposure
• Freezing nighttime temperatures during the summer

Delicious ways to consume Prairie Naturals’ fermented maca powder:

• Add a teaspoonful into a butter-coffee or hot chocolate drink
• Mix into a smoothie bowl, cereal or pudding
• Create an energizing smoothie, workout recovery shakes, and juice blend
• Check out our recipe booklet to explore what you can do with Fermented, Organic Maca!

Did you know?

The word maca comes from the Quechua language, “Ma” means grown up and “Ca” means food that provides strength.
Maca is a cruciferous vegetable related to kale, broccoli, watercress, radish and turnip. There are four varieties of maca: cream-yellow, half purple or red, purple, and black colour.


Our easy-to-use Fermented, Organic Maca powder provides all the nutritional and health benefits of this renowned superfood along with the digestive benefits provided by fermentation. Grown 12,000 feet above sea level on the Junín Plateau and prepared using the sun-dried method, our naturally fermented Maca is an ideal way to instantly fortify the diet with a high-quality yellow maca powder.

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Our easy-to-use Fermented, Organic Maca powder provides all the nutritional and health benefits of this renowned superfood along with the digestive benefits provided by fermentation. Grown 12,000 feet above sea level on the Junín Plateau and prepared using the sun-dried method, our naturally fermented Maca is an ideal way to instantly fortify the diet with a high-quality yellow maca powder.

"I love adding this into my smoothies for a nice boost of energy!"