
Neuro-Force™ is a research-based natural health product formulated by natural health care experts to improve brain health and support daily cognitive wellness. Neuro-Force™ provides safe, effective and timely cognitive and neurological benefits. These benefits also include improved memory and enhanced mental focus.






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Get to Know This Product

Protect • Restore • Enhance

Neuro-Force™ is a Powerful Nootropic Blend for Cognitive Support that Improves Memory & Mental Focus!

Neuro-Force™ is a research-based natural health product formulated by natural health care experts to improve brain health and support daily cognitive wellness. Neuro-Force™ provides safe, effective and timely cognitive and neurological benefits. These benefits also include improved memory and enhanced mental focus.

What are Nootropics?

Nootropics are substances that promote cognitive wellness and brain performance. They’re thought to work by altering the availability of the brain’s supply of neurochemicals (neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones), increasing circulation to the brain, improving the brain’s oxygen & energy supply and stimulating nerve growth & function. Nootropics can help in memory & learning, cognitive function & processing speed, motivation & mental stamina, attention & focus and mood brightening.

What are the Ingredients in Neuro-Force™?

All Neuro-Force™ ingredients are supported by scientific evidence and approved by Health Canada including Docosahexanoic acid (DHA), Vinpocetine, Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ), Bacopa Monnieri Extract and Alpha GPC (L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine).

What does Neuro-Force™ do?

• Supports cognitive function throughout the day
• Delivers essential nootropics for the repair of neurons
• Provides nutrient support to help:
– Quick, clear thinking
– Strong memory and recollection
• Provides a source of DHA necessary maintenance of normal brain function
• An excellent supplement in adults of all ages for supporting mood & sleep
• Can increase oxygen, blood flow and overall energy

Who needs Neuro-Force™?

• A source of nootropics will benefit cognitive wellness for:
– Students
– Seniors
– Adults under stress – physical or emotional
– Women with hormonal imbalance
– Athletes
• An excellent supplement for adults of all ages because we all want to:
– Think clearly
– Protect our brain
– Enjoy optimal mental performance for the rest of our lives!


Recommended Use or Purpose: Helps support cognitive health and/or brain function. A source of omega-3 fatty acids for the maintenance of good health. Source of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for the maintenance of good health.

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"Bought it because friends were telling me about memory loss & brain fog. I didn't think that was me, but decided to be proactive. Talked to an herbalist/chemist and this was recommended as the best product on the market. One liquid cap a day. No discomfort. No side effects. Saw improvement in 4 days. I take it every day."

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