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L-Lysine to Prevent Cold Sores!
An essential amino acid that our bodies do not produce, lysine must be supplied from food or supplements. Research has shown this powerful immune-supporting amino acid to be a safe and effective natural means of controlling certain viruses, including herpes (cold sores and genital)(*) and canker sores. Put the power of lysine to work for you and say goodbye to painful and embarrassing cold sores and herpes outbreaks. In addition to this, controversial research conducted by Linus Pauling also pointed to lysine as a critical part of heart health and its role in reversing atherosclerosis (build-up of plaque in the arteries). Note: High levels of the amino acid arginine may lower lysine levels in the body.
How cold sores develop:
Cold cores, or fever blisters, are caused by a form of the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 or HSV-2). The herpes virus causes a lifelong infection that can be dormant in your body for years before causing a cold sore to appear.
When cold sores do appear, they typically follow the same five stages:
- tingling
- blistering
- weeping
- crusting
- healing
The cold sore will remain for up to two weeks and will be contagious until it crusts over. Your first cold sore may not appear for up to 20 days after you contract the herpes simplex virus.
Source: Healthline
As an additional boost for your immune system, it’s recommended to take Vitamin C to provide the maximum benefit.

Recommended Use or Purpose: Helps to reduce the recurrence, severity and healing time of cold sores.
"This L-lysine is something we use every day as a (body) needed amino acid."anonymous